O.k...o.k...I know that I usually come here with a - big - smile and lots of positivism...and I trully like to do that...but as this blog is evolving as part of my everyday life, it is almost impossible to be always on this track. And I trully start to be getting used to coming here and sharing...and I'd like to do that as I often as I can...but this presupposes that I'm not placed high in any podium, but rather we are all gathered sitted on the floor, among comfortable cushions alltogether. Then I can share parts of my everyday life, of my reality, my thoughts and considerations here with you, where you are also welcome to drop in and share.
Just please do be aware that I'm not glued to this blog and I consider it to be....let's say...an extra room, where I get to have meetings with you, when there is free time....but you are all free to gather here and exchange views and opinions with each other, even without my constant presence. In a way, I'm always here, as this is a place created by me.
So today, allow me to share some less than usual clear thoughts and accept the fact that I'm kind of tired and confused....so...
...ever feel that you are stuck?
...that you know exactly what you are supposed to do, but have no strength to do it?
...ever feel that you doubt your own self?
...ever feel that your energy is drained?
...ever feel that you need to learn new skills, more things, but feel like you' ve spent your whole life in endless learning and simply just need a break?
...ever feel that it's time to really - really! - put your plans and wishes in action, but feel that you are tired even without having started?
...ever feel you are scared to become the best you can be?
...ever feel you are scared like mad of letting go of all the possible pain life has brought your way?
...and that it's time to see that there is actually NO pain any more...
...and that everything is just an echo of the past?
...of traumas that eventhough have been very well taken care off, they have left their irreversible marks?
Well, then you know how I feel these days....no, I am not locked in a room with black circles under my eyes, am not living in a mess and am not leaving myself untaken care of...
Our living space is well taken care of, I go out, I dress myself nicely, I socialise and occasionally work both at and outside home...
...but simply it feels like every little thing needs too much effort!
Then, I know it's time to go back and see what I 've lost and where on my way....
Find it...
Pick it up...
Keep it...
And cherish it like the treasure that it is!
And then...do. Life is SO all about doing.
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